Our Bookstore

We no longer maintain our online bookstore. We have joined a group of independent publishers at The Elephant’s Bookshop, where you can browse a selection of quality books and ebooks ranging from classics to unique titles, including large print editions of many titles.

The Elephant’s Bookshop also features a nice selection of “safe” classic and contemporary books and ebooks for children and ‘tween and teen readers and printable coloring pages.

Apex Legal Publishing

Visit our Apex Legal Publishing website for legal and professional books, including classic legal, political and historical works, texts on personal development and business skills, and practical guides on topics like Regulatory Compliance, Artificial Intelligence, AI Prompt Templates and Small Business Marketing and Administration.

Summit Classic Press

We publish books we’d like to own.

Summit Classic Press offers an extensive collection of privately published, high-quality books at affordable prices. Specializing in classics and genre fiction like mysteries, westerns and science fiction/fantasy, with numerous sets, collections and treasury-style volumes not available anywhere else.

Publishing independently since 2010

Tag: digital products